Just when it was looking as though Wyoming Democrats weren't going to run a Democrat for U.S. Senate this fall, someone stepped up at the last minute: A guy named SCOTT MORROW.
I don't know anything about him other than he's a union guy. His ActBlue account isn't live yet as of this writing but I've been informed that it will be very soon, and the funds donated to the WY-Sen 2024 Democratic Nominee Fund will end up being transferred over to his campaign once he's the official nominee, so it's all good.
Wyoming is about as deep red as you can get these days, but it's still good that Wyoming Dems are running someone against John Barrasso.
Meanwhile, just when I thought the New Jersey Senate seat was safe again, the news broke that corrupt/indicted incumbent Bob Menendez has filed to run for re-election after all...as an independent, since he missed the deadline to file as a Democrat.
Personally I suspect that the only reason he did this is because it allows him to continue raising money for his legal defense fund; I can't imagine that he actually thinks he can still win the general election. Regardless, I've gone ahead and re-added ANDY KIM to the U.S. Senate page as well just in case.