There's over 6,400 state legislative districts on the ballot this November nationally, but only around 700 of those are considered potentially competitive, and some of those don't have Democratic nominees with ActBlue accounts.

Until now I've been raising money for Democrats running in roughly 600 of these districts, but as we enter the Endgame stage of the 2024 election cycle, I'm narrowing things down further to the 200 closest districts only.

All of the districts listed below have PVI ratings of 4 or lower according to , which means they're considered either true tossups or at least competitive.

I've broken these final 200 districts out into 5 pages with 40 races apiece. I've linked to the other 4 pages beneath the list below.

While donations are split evenly across all 40 candidates by default, you can also pick & choose which ones to donate to using the "customize amounts" tool.

As always, all donations go directly to the campaigns listed; I receive nothing.

* = incumbent


  • PA-HD-013 (R+04): Cristian Luna-Valente
  • PA-HD-044 (R+01): Hadley Haas
  • PA-HD-088 (R+04): Sara Agerton
  • PA-HD-120 (R+04): Fern Leard
  • PA-HD-137 (D+01): Anna Thomas
  • PA-HD-160 (D+02): Elizabeth Moro
  • PA-SD-37 (EVEN): Nicole Ruscitto


  • SC-HD-075 (D+01): Heather Bauer
  • SC-HD-115 (EVEN): Spencer Wetmore
  • SD-HD-028A (D+01): Carl J. Petersen


  • TN-HD-097 (R+01): Jesse Huseth
  • TX-HD-118 (D+01): Kristian Carranza

UTAH (3):

  • UT-HD-031 (D+03): Verona Mauga
  • UT-HD-040 (D+03): Andrew Stoddard
  • UT-SD-15 (D+01): Kathleen Ann Riebe


  • WA-HD-010A (D+02): Clyde Shavers
  • WA-HD-010B (D+02): Dave Paul
  • WA-HD-017B (EVEN): Terri Niles
  • WA-HD-018A (R+02): Deken Letinich
  • WA-HD-018B (R+02): John Zingale
  • WA-HD-025A (R+03): Cameron Severns
  • WA-HD-025B (R+03): Shellie Willis
  • WA-HD-026A (D+01): Adison Richards
  • WA-HD-035B (R+04): James DeHart
  • WA-SD-10 (D+02): Janet St Clair
  • WA-SD-18 (R+02): Adrian Cortes
  • WA-SD-25 (R+03): Kenneth King


  • WV-HD-055 (R+03): Linda Bodie
  • WV-HD-082 (R+03): Bill Reger-Nash
  • WV-SD-13A (R+01): Joey Garcia


  • WI-HD-030 (R+01): Alison Page
  • WI-HD-061 (D+02): Lu Ann Bird
  • WI-HD-085 (EVEN): Yee Leng Xiong
  • WI-HD-088 (R+01): Christy Welch
  • WI-HD-089 (D+01): Ryan Spaude
  • WI-HD-094 (EVEN): Steve Doyle*
  • WI-SD-08 (D+01): Jodi Habush Sinykin
  • WI-SD-30 (D+03): Jamie Wall


  • WY-HD-014 (R+02): Trey Sherwood
  • WY-HD-033 (D+02): Ivan Posey