Democrats are in a strong position to flip the House blue this fall; we only need to net a half dozen seats to do it!

On this page you can donate to up to 22 Democratic candidates running in districts rated as TOSSUP DISTRICTS by , plus 2 more competitive races where the Democrat has suffered from a large financial gap vs their GOP opponent.

By default, donations are split evenly across all races listed, but you can also pick & choose who to donate to using the "Customize Amounts" option.

All donations go directly to the candidates listed; I receive nothing.

--Charles Gaba

* = incumbent
italics = special

  • AK-AL (R+08): Mary Peltola
  • AZ-01 (R+02): Dr. Amish Shah
  • AZ-06 (R+03): Kirsten Engel
  • CA-13 (D+04): Adam Gray
  • CA-22 (D+05): Rudy Salas
  • CA-27 (D+04): George Whitesides
  • CA-41 (R+03): Will Rollins
  • CA-45( D+02): Derek Tran
  • CO-08 (Even): Yadira Caraveo*
  • MI-07 (R+02): Curtis Hertel
  • MI-08 (R+01): Kristen McDonald Rivet
  • MI-10 (R+03): Carl Marlinga
  • NE-02 (Even): Tony Vargas
  • NJ-07 (R+01): Sue Altman
  • NM-02 (D+01): Gabe Vasquez*
  • NY-04 (D+05): Laura Gillen
  • NY-17 (D+03): Mondaire Jones
  • NY-19 (Even): Josh Riley
  • NC-01 (D+02): Don Davis*
  • OH-09 (R+03): Marcy Kaptur*
  • OH-13 (R+01): Emilia Sykes*
  • OR-05 (D+02): Janelle Bynum
  • PA-07 (R+02): Susan Wild*
  • PA-08 (R+04): Matt Cartwright*