New Mexico Democrats control both the state House and Senate, but we can't be complacent.

By default, donations made on this page will be split evenly among the bold-faced funds below, but you can also pick & choose which campaigns to support using the "Customize Amounts" tool:


  • HD-017 (D+09): Cynthia Borrego
  • HD-023 (R+06): Frank James Smith Jr.
  • HD-027 (D+09): Marian Matthews
  • HD-028 (D+09): Pamelya Herndon
  • HD-031 (R+02): Vicky Estrada-Bustillo
  • HD-036 (D+09): Nathan Small
  • HD-038 (D+07): Tara Jaramillo
  • HD-044 (D+08): Kathleen Cates
  • HD-057 (D+01): Michelle Sandoval
  • HD-060 (R+04): Luke Jungmann
  • HD-068 (D+07): Charlotte Little
  • SD-12 (Even): Phillip Ramirez
  • SD-19 (R+09): William Scott
  • SD-21 (Even): Athena Christodoulou
  • SD-29 (R+05): Tina Garcia
  • SD-40 (R+04): Amina Everett
Strategic Districts / Other: 
  • NM Democratic Party