North Carolina may be considered a red state, but Democrats can't afford to cede any state to Republicans!

Nearly 2.7 million NC residents voted for Joe Biden in 2020, and most of the nation is waking up to just how extreme and dangerous the GOP has become. However, NC Dems need our help to have a chance at turning back the red tide!

By default, donations made on this page will be split among the boldfaced funds below. However, you can also pick & choose who to donate to using the "Customize Amounts" tool:

  • HD-005 (D+01): Howard Hunter III
  • HD-009 (R+08): Claire Kempner
  • HD-012 (R+06): Lillie Williams
  • HD-024 (D+03): Dante Pittman
  • HD-025 (D+03): Lorenza Wilkins
  • HD-032 (D+08): Bryan Cohn
  • HD-035 (R+06): Evonne Hopkins
  • HD-036 (D+09): Julie von Haefen
  • HD-037 (R+07): Safiyah Jackson
  • HD-048 (D+09): Garland Pierce
  • HD-054 (D+09): Robert Reives II
  • HD-062 (R+08): Marjorie Benbow
  • HD-063 (R+06): Robin Wintringham
  • HD-064 (R+09): LeVon Barnes
  • HD-073 (R+08): Diamond Staton-Williams
  • HD-098 (R+02): Beth Helfrich
  • HD-105 (R+05): Nicole Sidman
  • HD-115 (R+07): Lindsey Prather
  • SD-01 (R+08): Susan Harman-Scott
  • SD-07 (R+05): David Hill
  • SD-11 (D+02): James Mercer
  • SD-13 (D+01): Lisa Grafstein
  • SD-18 (R+02): Terence Everitt
  • SD-24 (R+02): Kathy Batt
  • SD-42 (D+02): Woodson Bradley
Strategic Districts / Other: 
  • NC Democratic Party
  • NC House Democrats
  • NC Senate Democrats

Strategic Districts:

  • SD-02 (R+10): Tare Davis